05-26-2024 - Written by Jett Oxy
If you're here, then it means you already have some experience in anal sex. But in the kinky world, extra is always better. So congratulations on looking towards anal depth training.
Don't know how to go about it? Don't worry, this article will guide you on how you dig and dive deeper into your well of fun and sexual satisfaction.
The anus is fragile and one can experience hemorrhoids or tearing if safe anal depth training is not practiced. Consider your health and read this article to the end to learn everything about anal depth training and how you can stay safe while at it.
Anal depth training is a sexual activity that involves inserting objects as deep as possible into the anus in order to reach and pass the sigmoid curve.
The human rectum is naturally shallow ranging from about one inch to two inches and a few centimeters. However, the rectum has flexible muscles and can take in a dildo that is as big as your imagination as long as you stay safe while at it.
Anal depth play is different from stretching or fisting in that the former is only concerned with the length of the inserted anal toys, rather than the girth. If you're interested in anal stretching, you can learn more about how to stretch your anus safely here.
There are two main categories of people that are inclined towards anal depth training; anal aficionados who are looking for new challenges and BDSM enthusiasts.
Whatever the category is, people do anal depth training for so many reasons but it all boils down to the different levels of sexual satisfaction they get from it.
Being able to have longer sex toys inserted is one of many reasons people do anal depth training. With this ability comes the expansion of the anus that eventually brings in pleasurable sensations.
Anal Depth Training is also a perfect means for applying pressure to the prostate gland for penis owners. This pressure on the prostate can produce stronger and longer orgasms. For those interested in exploring prostate stimulation further, our guide on how to achieve sissygasms and hands-free prostate orgasms might be helpful.
Anonymous on Reddit tells us why he's achieved from anal depth training:
I'm (24/m) a bisexual guy who loves anal. I've been masturbating anally for years now and the feeling of getting filled really does it for me. I've been going for wider toys and a few months ago I was able to fist myself for the first time.
Anal Depth Training requires a lot of mental and physical preparation before engaging in it. Here are some tips you can follow for an efficient and safe anal depth training;
Zakkary Z on Quora advises;
It’s a cliche, but it’s about the journey. Give yourself the time to learn how your body is shaped. Know your limits.
Finding the right position for anal depth training does not only ensure you're training in the safest position possible, but also increases your overall pleasure. Check out some positions to try out while anal training:
If you're looking for more variety in your anal play, check out our guide on bondage sex positions that can be adapted for anal exploration.
Anal depth training is clearly to train the depth, those products below are the most appropriated to go deep down any cavities:
Your anus can be deeply penetrated. Bodies are different so how much of an anal stretch depends on your anatomy. The human anal canal is approximately five inches which is about 12 centimeters) deep. But under the right conditions, it can accommodate a foot or more. In penetrating your anus, don't force anything and just see where you end up.
Anal sex can be dangerous. Because the anal cavity was not made to take things into the human body but rather push them out. So any type of anal penetration play is a risk but it can be done safely. For those new to anal play, our guide on pegging for newbies offers valuable safety tips that apply to all forms of anal play.
Anal sex has become one of the most popular advanced sexual activities which promises heightened sexual pleasure. Although risky, enough patience plus consistent practice will provide a smooth and pleasurable experience. Good luck.
Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com.
Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.
"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"
PhD in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.