1-12-2019 - Written by Jett Oxy - Follow on medium 

Let’s start by saying that Hypnosis is a two-edged sword. Yes, a lot of BDSM subs will find it quite exciting when their tops shower them with Hypnosis. This, however, doesn’t go without saying that both parties must be careful while at it. With that established, let’s get into the main discussion, i.e., the art of Hypnosis in a kinky arrangement. 

Most people will agree that sex with the right Hypnosis is an excitement to a whole new level. For instance, imagine a partner that goes during sex: “Yeah, we are getting there. Just stay calm and relax. Now think about all the pleasure you are feeling right now. Oh! Let my soothing voice guide you. I bet you love the mixed feeling of relaxation and obedience?” Talks like these are called Hypnosis, and when done the right way, it can enhance submission, pleasure, and the overall BDSM experience for both the top and the sub. 

That sounds exciting, right? Of course, it does, if only we all know how to go about it. But not to worry, this article will get you started with erotic Hypnosis and its place in BDSM. Let’s get to it. 

What is Hypnosis?

There are a couple of definitions of Hypnosis, but we can simply describe it as “a manipulation of an altered state of consciousness for a preconceived purpose.” This definition, as simple as it appears, bears a couple of essential points. Source: Wikipedia

“Manipulation” here means that during a Hypno situation, the top is all out to change and control the emotional, mental, and physical state of the bottom.  By saying, “altered state of consciousness,” it means the top wants to send the bottom into ‘trance’ (more on that later). Lastly, “a preconceived purpose” there means that Hypnosis is a tool to satisfy certain cravings of the top, for example, training the bottom to lose an erection on instruction. 


Hypnosis and the brain

As you would expect, scientists and researchers took an interest in Hypnosis. From their findings, it is clear that Hypnosis is quite impactful on the brain. In more specific terms, the part of the brain that deals directly with Hypnosis are the brainwaves. According to research, there are five different types of brainwaves, and they all exist in various parts of the brain. Dominance between these five brainwaves depends on the state of mind, which, in turn, depends on your level of relaxation and current thoughts. 

Let’s check out these five brainwave types; 

  • Gamma Waves (38 Hertz and above) – If your state of mind is that of universal altruism, love, and extended spiritual emergence, this is your guy. It helps to process information coming from multiple brain parts, although it has no direct effect on hypnotic states.

  • Beta Waves (12-38 Hertz) – Beta Waves takes over when the mind is on the verge of solving a problem, making important decisions, or any other mentally-draining activity. The energy consumption here is intense.

  • Alpha Waves (8-12 Hertz) – You know those moments we are quiet and in our thoughts? Those moments of lighter hypnotic or meditative states? This is when alpha waves become dominant – anything involving body-mind integration, mental coordination, and of course, calmness.

  • Theta Waves (3-8 Hertz) – These waves are dominant when we sleep, meditate, or in a state of Hypnosis. It is strongly linked to the subconscious of our mind, intuition, emotions, and memory.

  • Delta Waves (0.5 – 3 Hertz) – These waves come into play when we are in the most intense levels of Hypnosis or meditation and during dreamless sleep. The regenerative healing that comes with Delta waves is intense. Hence, it is more common among people that are used to Hypnosis.

Moving forward, if we are to describe a hypnotist, we would note that they are out to MANIPULATE our minds by taking us (the subjects) from the beta state through alpha to theta or delta states, using their words. Results of this include the gradual disappearance of anxiety, deep relaxation, suppressed memories, profound hallucinations, and sudden awareness of essential beliefs and convictions. 

Likewise, the brain and mind become more receptive while suppressing critical reasoning. The level of brain inhibition drops, considering that the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex (handling reasoning and deduction) experiences less activity than usual. Consequently, the right region becomes more active, giving way for heightened creativity and the impulsive subconsciousness of the brain.

If we are to put all of these into a BDSM perspective, you would agree that Hypnosis can easily influence the minds of their subs. Also, the trance that comes with this can easily combine with subspace, sending the mind and the entire body into a state of very intense pleasure and consciousness. 

What are the stages of erotic Hypnosis?

There is a laid down framework the hypnotists follow when doing their ‘magic.’ Let’s get into it.

Stage 1 – Negotiation

This is a simple chat where they try to create safety mechanisms and boundaries before the main action.

Stage 2 – Induction

They proceed to set up a virtual trance in your mind. They may ask you to breathe following a certain pattern or look directly and consistently on a particular object for a certain number of minutes. Whichever style they choose to use, they are out to calm your conscious mind, thus making your subconscious accessible. 

Stage 3 – Deepeners

Deepeners come into play once they can sense you entering into a trance. What deepeners do is to make your trance directional and more intense. This could involve putting you through some body relaxation and visualization routines. Their choice will depend on how and what they want you to feel.

Step 4 – Suggestions

This is probably the core of the whole process. The hypnotist wants to guide your feelings and thoughts, and they do this by giving you suggestions like “Listen closely for my voice, and when you hear it, look out for the urge to submit. Now, do not resist it – because it will come with intense pleasure.” This is almost synonymous with mind control.

STep 5 – Wipers

This is the stage where all suggestions infused in your mind are discarded. Take, for example, a line like, “Once you are out of the trance, my voice will not come with the irresistible urge to submit.” If the hypnotist does not use wipers, it means they want you to continue to feel hypnotized even when you are out of the trance. However, this comes with some risks.

STep 6 – Aftercare

This is some sort of debriefing – the hypnotist and the participant discuss what happened while ensuring that nothing out of the ordinary comes after the trance. 

This is the basic blueprint. However, the precise words the hypnotists will say can be different. So, the possibilities are literally unlimited. 

What is a hypnotic feeling?

Contrary to the belief that hypnotized people are always unconscious and mutter strange things they wouldn’t believe or recall after going out of a trance, people undergoing Hypnosis are actually in charge of their minds. Interestingly, a hypnotized person will have the same thoughts as they would when outside Hypnosis. That is, the mind cannot be forced to feel or believe something, except the participant wants to do so.

Likewise, everything that happened during trance stays in the consciousness of the participant. Although most tops want to attain a level of trance that comes with amnesia, this requires serious efforts and consistency. What you set out to achieve with Hypnosis as a bottom will depend on what you and your tops want in terms of pleasure and feelings.

Erotic/BDSM hypnosis

What are the specific reasons for engaging in Hypnokink?

Erotic hypnosis scenes usually come with specific goals, depending on the intent of the practitioners. Some of these include;

  • Instilling hallucinations into the participant, making them have some special effects. For instance, feeling tied with a chain while being untied in reality.

  • Mind conditioning through the creation of mental associations, for example, creating a strong link between some scenes or words with arousal.

  • Introducing and establishing compulsions in the individual, for instance, the compulsion to do engage in some sexual acts.

  • Making certain parts of the body have more intense feelings than others, for example, training a sub to perceive the knee as an erogenous zone.

  • Getting the participant into the mood and headspace of a role before the actual roleplay. For example, if a bottom practices puppy play, a trance that takes them through puppy-like experiences, feelings, and thoughts will come really handy.

  • Keeping the mind of the participant calm and void of fears or worries, thus allowing them to open up to more intense levels of submission.

The height of erotic Hypnosis is perhaps to induce orgasm in a partner without touching each other. While this is not impossible, it requires serious practice and consistency for the parties involved. 

Ethical stance on Hypnosis

As stated earlier, Hypnosis is a two-edged sword. As much as it brings pleasure, some con artists have adopted Hypnosis as a means to seduce unsuspecting individuals. Hence, it is essential to be clear right from the start and ensure to get the uncoerced consent of your partner. 

As the top, you can apply the following safety and consent tips to get used to your new partners better:

1. Discuss and negotiate the specific hypnosis play you both want. Be clear about your interests in Hypnosis, and encourage your partner to do the same. Present your preferences and reservations. What are the places to touch (or not) while in a trance? Do they prefer physical contact or not? 

2. Drugs and alcohol do not go with erotic Hypnosis, especially in the case of new partners. So, always stay clear-headed while at it. 

3. Identify and use phrases that set your partner up with complete agency when they are going into a trance. For instance, “Going into and exiting trance is bliss and under your control.” 

4. Agree on a straightforward movement or gesture to signify discomfort during Hypnosis. Verbal notifications don’t always work, especially in intense situations. 

5. Ensure that your partner gets some mental “out” when you offer your suggestions, i.e., open-ended phrases that allow them to choose or make decisions. 

6. You may collectively create a tulpa, i.e., a virtual friend that guides the participant through the experience and ensure that they stay on course. 

7. Urge your partner to be open about their post-hypnosis feelings and use the feedback to improve the overall experience. 

It is essential to let your partner understand what they are getting into before giving their consent. So, do not hold back while having your pre-hypnosis discussions. 

What are the risks of erotic Hypnosis?

As you would expect, erotic Hypnosis, like almost every other thing, comes with some risks. Some of these are what we discuss below;

Rape and similar horrors

People have used Hypnosis as a medium to abuse unsuspecting individuals sexually. We have heard cases where people found themselves naked without any idea of how it happened. Yes, Hypnosis is a veritable tool for sexual arousal in participants; tops are not expected to exploit their partner’s vulnerable situations. Hence, only engage in Hypnosis with the people you trust and always watch out for any indications of danger. 

Unplanned psychological consequences

Hypnosis comes with different psychological implications, most of which no one absolutely knows how to control. Erotic hypnotists are not professionals; neither are the participants. Hence, it is important to prepare the mind for such situations and be aware of this uncertainty and be careful at all times during the process. 

Random triggers

Hypnosis participants may experience triggers randomly. The words and phrases used as triggers in the process tend to stay in the subconscious of participants. So, they may end up getting triggered outside Hypnosis, even if such phrases don’t come from their hypnosis partners.

The Risks associated with the exchange of power

Irrespective of your personality, be prepared to experience the risks that come with the exchange of power in erotic Hypnosis. However, your type of character will determine the level or extent of risks you are exposed to. For instance, an individual who is naturally a risk-taker would be more interested in exploring erotic Hypnosis more. 

Either way, a potential erotic hypnosis participant must be ready to engage in proper planning, consistent practicing, and safeguarding at all times. Likewise, they must be prepared to engage in only ethical plays while using mutual mind control as a tool for deeper intimacy, pleasure, and fun. 

Like we said earlier, our discussion on erotic Hypnosis, as presented in this article, is for introductory purposes only. There is still a lot to explore about hypnokink as a topic, especially if you are a newbie. Feel free to read more comprehensive but relevant materials on top BDSM forums on the internet. Watch out for content from hypnokink participants (tops and bottoms) with years of experience – they tend to be resourceful and experienced. 

Lastly, you may join a couple of hypnokink forums or events created by your local fetish community. 

Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com. 

Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer. 

"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure" 

Phd in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices  for educational and entertainment purposes. 

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