We are proud to present our new series called "Mistress Interview" where we'll try to get to know Mistresses and their life & BDSM stories. You can read or enjoy listening to seductive voices of Dominatrix women from Fetish & Kink industry. Join us for an adventure and let's find out what they have to say!
"a Midwestern-born, World-traveled, LA based lifestyle and professional Dominatrix. Trained in classic BDSM with emphasis on role play and immersive experiences, She is a sexually intelligent individual with a unique approach. The seduction in her play with others and power exchange, embodies sophistication and professionalism. She will set the scene, entice your senses, and enrapture your body."
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourMadameRose
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Hello Oxy-shop! This is mistress Madame Rose coming to you live from Los Angeles, California. Thanks for having me on your interview! I am a lifestyle and professional Dominatrix as well as a kink and fetish performer and definitely a content creator. I'm honored to be here, so thanks for having me.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
The motivation for me really is to create a safe space for people to explore and also for me to explore with other people inside of that space. Because I really love kink and I love fetish and I love DS and I love MS I love BDSM. I love all the facets to it so just being able to create that safe space for both myself and for other people, that's really what keeps me motivated.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
Wow! That's a good question. Well definitely would have to say you need consistency, you need passion and you need to put in the hard work those 3. Without those 3 things you're not going to be successful in the adult industry or any industry really for that matter and then some lessons that I've learned along the way so far I've been to trust myself and trust my feelings on things and then also to play my way to learn the classic way but to just really enjoy the play on my own terms, in my own way.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
I would say that it is really kind of across the board, you know I'm really lucky I have a pretty diverse circle of interests and people that are drawn to me so. I'm really blessed in that sense that I have a wide variety of people across the board really, which is exciting.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
That's an interesting question I think really there's a huge disconnect between perception her.
I wish personally that there was no vanilla, that everyone had the freedom to kind of express themselves. And what their desires were but I'm sadly I think there's still a lot of misconceptions about kink and fetish lifestyle I think there's a lot of people that don't quite understand it.
I think if there was more education and more awareness and people were a little bit more comfortable with it then there wouldn't be so much judgment and so much ill perceptions from especially from mainstream media so I think there's some things like movies, recent movies that might have helped bring out a little bit more awareness but ultimately you know I still think there's a huge disconnect and a bunch of misconceptions.
Hopefully someday people will find their own way there and over time I think the kink and fetish lifestyle, BDSM lifestyle will hopefully be a perceived as a little bit more mainstream or accepted.
(For those interested in learning more about BDSM, here is a comprehensive guide to BDSM that can help dispel some common misconceptions)
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
Aftercare is a really big deal to me. Aftercare I think is important for both parties and I'm a huge fan of after care I think mainly because I understand the physiology of the play and I think it's critical especially after heavy play or heavy scenes anytime there's an intense exchange there I think that it's important for people to recognize that your body needs time to metabolize those various chemicals so. I think it's very important and it's important for the bottom to be self aware of what their needs are and the top to be aware of what they can provide for that bottom so I think it's important definitely. I think it should be important and more people should care.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
Covid-19 has really kind of affected me in quite a few ways there are some negative ways and some positive ways so I'm trying to kind of see the balance and everything right. It definitely forced my business online, just to survive only I mean I'm doing as much as they can of seeing people online but sadly this also translates into no new play partners which psychologically can put kind of a a funk in a Madam if you will. It makes it a little difficult for me to also deal with not having that physical exchange of seeing my clients so I just really been trying to focus on my clips and on teaching.
I started teaching some classes online to stay connected with my community and also just to acting on a lot more self care providing myself with a lot more self care options and really listening to myself and staying balanced and focused so. initially it was very difficult but I'm starting to learn how to manage it and still stay there for my clients and for my play partners and friends as well, so hope like everybody else I'm learning how to live with that for now.
(For those looking to maintain their BDSM relationships during these challenging times, here are some ideas for long-distance BDSM relationships)
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
Wow! If I hadn't join the adult industry what would he be doing now?
Well I can't even imagine because, I just can't even, as a matter of fact I can't even believe it took me the 30 something years to find the kink and BDSM lifestyle to begin with so.
If it wasn't for the adult industry will probably be doing something in the art industry something like acting or something in film or video, possibly fashion I'm I'm really not sure, I can't imagine.
I love where I'm at now!
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
I am very lucky in that a lot of my, pretty much all of my friends and family know about what I do. Their reaction when I first came out, to be honest with you was kind of what I expected, they there were mostly like ooo okay of course this makes sense I mean you've been bossing people around your entire life so it just kind of seemed appropriate I suppose and to be honest with you many of my friends and family already kind of thought that I was so when I came out to them that I was they were like oh we we already thought you were so. Just kinda seemed appropriate I guess possibly not the reaction that I was expecting but still wonderful none the less and I'm very fortunate that I get to live a life and a lifestyle that is out and I can speak for people who possibly don't have a voice so I'm very very blessed that I can be out and people know that I am kinky all the time.
→ If you're interested in exploring your dominant side, here's a guide on how to dominate your partner in bed.
* Click and listen to Madame Rose response *
Madame Rose says:
Yeah I just wanna send some positive well wishes to everybody out there and everybody hearing this and everybody in the kinky BDSM communities. Just stay safe and take care of yourselves and take care of each other and so those of you who need to be good. Thank you for having me and take care everyone.
Oxy-shop would like to thank Madame Rose for taking her time to answer questions. It was a pleasure to have you on our Mistress Interview. Hope to work with you again in the future!
If you're interested in more insights from other professional dominatrixes, check out our interview with dominatrix Adreena Angela.