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We are proud to present another episode of our series called "Mistress Interview" where we'll try to get to know Mistresses and their life & BDSM stories. You can read or enjoy listening to seductive voices of Dominatrix women from Fetish & Kink industry. Join us for an adventure and let's find out what they have to say!


Miss Mae Ling is a well educated world traveler that has evolved to break away from the social norms. Always learning, curious and full of passion and love. Leading with my heart I’ve been able to surround myself with beautiful people. I have put the quest for self happiness above all else and discovered natural highs unlocking a path to hedonism. Enjoys challenging people intellectually, physically and emotionally in order to create a deeper human connection.

Website: https://missmaeling.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adorabledomme/

Miss Mae Ling

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.(where are you based, etc)

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

Hello,Hello. I am Miss Mae Ling "The Adorable Domme". If you don't know why, I am The Adorable Dommme, you're going to find out. I am a professional dominatrix based in Los Angeles. If you think I live in Vegas, you are semi-correct. I used to live there. I just moved to L.A. soaking in more of that sunlight and living a life more outdoors, which means a lot more fun, public play type of things, not being combined into an AC box unit.

2. How did you get into becoming a Mistress?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

I got into becoming a mistress by living the lifestyle for seven years. Yes, I was in BDSM and kink and doing all this, just living the life and working a vanilla job. I went to Burning Man, and I was just like, screw it. Came out of air, quit my job. And I was trying to find out other ways to incorporate the Burn into my everyday life. I traveled for four years, learning about more kink more BDSM all around the world, meeting incredible people making just fantastic connections. Then I was going to move back to the states and looking up online, how do I figure out how to make money doing what I love to do? I found out that you can make money doing what I love to do. I was just like, "Oh my God." Mind blown that I haven't been doing it sooner, but it's quite all right. I feel very grounded in my choices and pursuing this professionally later in my life. Not that I'm old or anything, but yeah. 

3. Why the “adorable domme”?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

Why am I the adorable domme? When people think of a dominatrix, they think, oh, my gosh, so strict, so stern, so coldhearted, and not approachable. I am one of the most easy to talk to individuals. I can make people really relaxed and just super comfortable to be around, but also quirky, really fun and silly. Nothing is ever serious with me. Life is here to have fun with and so is kink. If you're not laughing, if you're not having fun then what's the point of doing all this stuff? I like to be my authentic self by being a little quirky. If you watch a "New girl", I really relate to her, Zooey Deschanel, and her character. It is just kind of all out there. That's why I would consider myself adorable domme but you'll find out. The more you know about me, the more you read, the more you view my clips, the more you see what type of person I am, you're going to say, Wow, okay, Yeah, I get it. 

4. Tell us more about how a BDSM session can be therapeutic & bring a healing aspect to someone’s life?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

How can BDSM be therapeutic and bring a healing aspect to someone's life? BDSM has been so big in my life because of its therapeutic and healing Powers. I had a traumatic childhood where I was raped as a teenager, and that was my exposure, my first time to sex. I didn't quite understand what was happening. As one can imagine, I had completely shut down, had lost all trust and faith in men and mankind. A part of me kind of liked certain aspects of it, and then a part of me thought I was super twisted and messed up for liking those aspects. Then I went through a lot of therapy, was okay enough to be reintegrated into society and be around other individuals of the opposite sex. 

Then I met someone who was in the rope scene and they opened me up into the kink scene. To see the things that occurred to me, but in a much more loving, respectful and caring manner just really blew my mind. Now to take back that power and do these things to others but coming from a very safe space and not of hatred. Surrounding myself with the opposite sex, who just adore me and appreciate me, feels so, so good and is exactly why I do what I do. For me, it's more of helping people through a certain trauma or some negative thing that's happened to them in the past and moving past it and taking back that control and living your life to the fullest potential thru a kink away, because that's just more fun. 

Miss Mae Ling BDSM session

5. In brief, how would you seek the “raw truth”? As in finding the true person that is inside of your clients/patients.

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

5How would I seek the raw truth as in finding the true person that is inside of my clients or my submissives? The raw truth is that everybody puts up a mask, everybody puts up some sort of facade personality when they walk out the door, when they meet somebody, when they interact with others. You're always there, but you're not completely your authentic, true self. And what I like to do is read their body language, really get to know them, ask them some leading questions, and then just break it down bit by bit through every scene. Ask them the question over and over and over.

I feel like the more you ask somebody certain questions, the answer you get is a little bit different every time until they break down and are completely honest and true to themselves, and then to you. Just giving people space, the time people automatically put up or say something that someone else wants to hear, or I think that's what someone else wants to hear. The more time, the more silence there is, people tend to reveal themselves and what they truly think that's inside. There's also the benefit of being able to use some sexual desires against them to find the truth, which is always a good fun for me.

6. What can a client expect from a session? what are the steps involved from taking contact to the actual scene

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

A: professionalism B: to have fun. I love, love, love, love to have fun during my session. And if you're not having fun, I am definitely having fun and just to never expect anything.

When you come into a session and you expect something, I can guarantee you it's going to fall short of that expectation and what your thought thinking it's going to turn out to be. I say clear your mind of any expectations of any session with me. I could have something planned. I could tease you with something that I have planned and during the actual session it's going to be whatever I want in that very moment, which could or could not be whatever I said, or it could be a twist on what I said.

It's going to be different. These steps, long term, Taking contact to the actual scene itself is that individuals will contact me or fill out a application through my website. If your application was worthy of a response, my assistant will respond with further steps to take, such as sending deposit. If your references did not go through, I will need more information for screening purposes and then you will send the deposit. Once the deposit is sent, you will then wait for a link to a private page on my website, which will tell you all the protocols in which you will take in order to have a successful session with me in terms of contacting me and uh, things to do in order to prepare for the session and things to do right prior to the session as well. There are a lot of steps. There are a lot of things to read, but I know that every time any individual who has come to see me and have read everything thoroughly and studied it has just made me incredibly happy, which has led to an even better session. If you want the best, I have written out all the steps, just listen to what I say and then we'll have a good time. Not so hard, right?

Miss Mae Ling

7. How do you see this profession evolving in the coming years?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

Ooh. I feel like it's already evolved so much from previously in the past where it was, I guess, harder to reach, right? A lot more taboo and individuals would have to find mentor to study these things, these skills. Now I feel like it's "mainstream" and there are a lot of educational materials available online, which I think is fantastic. The more people are educating themselves and playing on a safe scene and manner, it's going to expand into a more "normalized" fashion. Having penetrated the mainstream media, it leads to a lot more people who are interested, curious, and exposed to such things that they will become the next generation of dommes and dominatrices.

It's just going to become more and more and more accessible, more open and focusing around the accessibility to those who are differently abled or people of color. Just having that at the forefront of our mind now in sex education and diversity in just the world. It's going to become a profession that is going to have a lot more different people, and which is exactly what this world needs - is a lot more of a diversity. Seeing that diversity is not something that we consistently try to fight for, but is now just incorporated into a more normal sense of like, this is how the world is, which I am excited for this beauty that is to come or is happening right now.

8. What are the fetish tendencies for subs involved in the BDSM spectrum? What are they seeking for?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

I'm not going to say anyone fetish in particular. Primarily, everyone is seeking for a connection. BDSM is just another way that people can find that connection with some sense of commonality, some sense of similar interest. At the end of the day, people just want to talk to someone. People just want to be told what to do because they need a moment of reprieve to shut off their mind. People want to be seen, they want to be heard, they want to be cared for. As a professional, I am giving these individuals my time. 

They feel, and I am happy with the intense bonding per se that is occurring, the relationship that is forming the exposure between the individual who is becoming vulnerable and opening up. It's all about connection and how to make it more light in a sense where they can leave feeling buoyant, happy and just more free, even though they were bound in chains and whatnot.

Honestly, how many people are really bound in chains in the BDSM scene? It's mostly like other, uh, methods of bondage, but people seem to think that chains is like the way to go. But that's another thing.

Miss Mae Ling

9. Tell us more about dominating other doms/dommes?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

Dominating other Doms. Oh my! It is like being on Cloud nine. First of all, every time I go into a session it is incredible, it's a warm feeling to see that other people respect and appreciate and trust me to do certain things to them.A complete stranger that they have never met before.I do not take that trust lightly and I'm going to have fun with it. 

But somebody who is another dom, I feel like there's a sense of understanding in our lives. There's a sense of like, "I see you, I know what you do." I know the stuff that you perhaps are going through with work because I am going through the same thing. It's going to be incredibly amazing because that moment is just so precious in between us and so tender. It's absolutely so tender to hold somebody and hold space for somebody else who also does the same thing for someone else. I feel like it's very a cyclical thing of like "I got your back girl" When, whatever way it may be, like crying on someone's shoulder or just wrapping them up and rope. It's just absolutely lovely.

10. What is the best way to reach you?

* Click and listen to Miss Mae Ling response *  

Miss Mae Ling says:

There are so many platforms, Dommes are everywhere. They're omnipotent. They will throw themselves on every single marketing platform everywhere because it is difficult as a sex worker to simply exist in the digital realm. The best way is my website because I know that I will not get deleted off of, that I have control over. So my website is www.missmaeling.com, and on there it will link out to all the other various platforms that I am on. You can send me a message on my website, you can apply for a session through there and you'll find plenty of other information. If you are just trying to email me and get a custom or send me a gift card or just want to show your appreciation, you can email me at missmaeling@gmail.com.

In terms of anything else, my PO box is listed on my website, under gifts. You can snail mail me. You can try to be a pen pal or you can just send cold hard cash or any gifts to that PO box. That would be appreciated. You can also find me or watch me on Iwantclips as well as clipsforsale, all under the same name of Miss Mae Ling and you can find me on Sex Panther.I am opening up an onlyfans and Night Flirt. I am on all of those platforms. As a PSA reminder, if you are speaking to me on any platform, please do not discuss or ask any questions about in-person sessions. It goes directly against the terms of service and it could get both of our counts in trouble. Don't do that.

My final note to you is that relates to kink or life in general. "If you are not having fun doing it, don't do it."

Miss Mae Ling

Oxy-shop would like to thank Miss Mae Ling for taking her time to answer questions. It was a pleasure to have you on our Mistress Interview. Hope to work with you again in the future!