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12-03-2019 - Written by Jett Oxy - Follow on medium 

We all heard the term at BDSM events or in forums, but what it is all about? What does it mean to be primal? Is it a fetish, is a style?We will dig a little deeper and understand what it means. Release your inner animal, here is your crash course on Primal packs.

Primal Play in BDSM

Who is a primal and what does it mean?

First of all, it is more of a style than a fetish. Being a primal is different to everyone and there is no set tone of rules of protocols to follow.To be sexually primal means that one allows their animalistic – Their primal – self out when sexually aroused or during intercourse. You enjoy those basic, raw feelings coming out – whatever they may be. The more nonhuman seeming, the better.

Source: Kinkly

How do primals play?

Primal sex and play, at times, might resemble a wrestling match in which the stronger or more dominant subdues the weaker. Sometimes it will be more playful, more dirty, more painful. Both parties do what their instincts dictates.There may be pressure points involved and some bondage but what sets primal play apart is the open display of raw emotions, sexual feelings. We forget about labels, roles during a primal play and picture ourselves as animals. 

 In the BDSM scene, some refer themselves neither as submissive, nor dominant but as primal. Why? Usually the “dominant” who prefers primal play wants to fight – the pure and abject submission of the “submissive” isn’t what’s come into play.

Source: BdsmWiki

Being Primal is not play pet

Most primals identify as particular animals, the most popular being wolfs, cats or apes. The style can be monogamous, by packs or prides or swing. If you join a primal swing, you should be aware of the rituals they establish, know the alpha, etc.Even though primals may engage in pet play, two can be distinctly different. There is no leashes or collars to assert submission and two (or more) partners might fight for dominance with each other. This can be as painful or violent remaining with primals personal limits. Contrary to what we may think, there is safe words, signals or grunts.

Primal Play in BDSM

Where does a primal play takes place?

As any fetish, it can happen anywhere. However, the favored environment is doing it outside, in the nature, Keep a blanket or a tent in your truck for sudden urges. f you're going to do some of the more edgy types of primal play in a public play space, be sure to let the DM's know what it is you are doing. Primal play is just that...primal, and it can be disturbing to observers who may not be familiar with the concept of an s-type actually fighting back in earnest.

Does it involve toys?

Most of primals enjoy a more hands-on approach to play, and no expensive tools or toys are required. You were born with all the kink toys you need for playing primal: teeth, nails, hair, and skin. 

Primal play can involve biting, scratching, growling, grunting, roaring, screaming – animal like sound, hair grabbing and hair pulling. Because of the roughness, stuff can also happen like accidental elimination. Keep a towel and baby wipes as well as alcohol handy.Primal play involves amounts of fear play and rough body contact play – some associate primal play with edge play.

Primal Play in BDSM

Primal packs

Like any group of kinksters, primals sometimes gather in groups called packs. This small community may have strict hierarchy with ach individual understanding their place in the pack. Most of the time, the group will consist of one Alpha. Fight for dominance might happen to naturally elect a new Alpha – much like a wolf pack of lion pride. It is not about physical strength; the bets leader is the most competent person taking care of the all group.

Not all About Sex

Not all primals are constant fuck fest - the pack can be a safe place when life gets rough. It is a group allowing to fuck, fight or cuddle depending on specific needs. For many packs, the purpose is to build trust among members and create their own family. It is to join a group that embraces your self-expression and who you are as a person, regardless of your kinks.

Source: Submissiveguide

Some vocabulary

Alpha -- The leader of a primal pack or pairing, the most dominant. (Sometimes, in a pack, there will be an alpha pairPredator -- A primal who takes on the role of the animal hunter who desires to capture prey 

Prey -- A primal who takes on the role of the animal hunted who desires being captured by the predatorHunter -- Someone who takes the role of the human hunter to catch and subdue the animal 

Mate -- One you form a bond with through sex and other play 

Pet -- (not exclusively primal), someone you might have sex with, but who is not accorded the rank of mate 

Furry -- (Not exclusively primal or BDSM), one who enjoys giving emotions and feelings to animals with human-like tendencies and features

Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com. 

Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer. 

"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure" 

Phd in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices  for educational and entertainment purposes. 

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