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How to Stop Testicular Retraction: Stretching Balls and Testicles with Ball Stretchers

09-08-2018 (Updated 05-01-2025) - Written by Jett Oxy

It is time to stop testicular retraction with a simple trick. 

What is testicular retraction?

Also called retractile testicles, this condition affects approximately 30% of men at some point in their lives. Retractile testicles occur when the cremaster muscle, which controls testicle movement, pulls the testicles up into the groin area. This muscle forms part of the spermatic cord and runs through the inguinal canal. For a more comprehensive understanding of this condition, you might want to check out our detailed guide on understanding retractile testes.

Several factors can trigger testicular retraction:

  • Exposure to cold temperatures
  • Physical activity or exercise
  • Emotional stress or anxiety
  • Sexual arousal
  • Touch or physical stimulation

In children, retractile testicles are particularly common, affecting up to 80% of boys under the age of 10. While most cases resolve naturally during puberty, some may require medical intervention if the condition persists. The primary concern with persistent retractile testicles in children is the potential impact on fertility later in life.

What is a Ball stretcher and what does it do to the scrotum?

A ball stretcher is a sex toy that is used to elongate the scrotum and provide a feeling of weight pulling the testicles away from the body. This can be particularly enjoyable for the wearer as it can make an orgasm more intense, as testicles are prevented from moving up. Intended to make one's testicles permanently hang much lower than before (if used regularly for extended periods of time). Ball stretchers can also be used to treat testicular retraction, as seen on the following section. If you're interested in exploring this further, you might want to check out our helpful tips for those interested in ball stretching.

Source: Wikipedia

Ball stretcher with attachble weight

How to stop Testicular retraction?

Please always consult a doctor before starting any treatments. IF you experience painful, swollen, and/or inflated testicles, a doctor should be consulted before going any further. Source: mayoclinic

You can stop your balls retracting by simple wearing an Oxy Ball stretcher. It will secure the balls around a Steel ring which will prevent them to go back inside. Finding the perfect ball weight (or ball weights) for yourself is the most important: a ball stretcher needs to fit you perfectly for the best and most comfortable results. When used correctly, ball weights are effective devices and wearing them can be very satisfying, both physically and emotionally. Again, it's very useful to take medical advice before you choose to experiment with ball stretching. If you're curious about the different types available, you might want to check out our top 5 ball stretchers.

Again, Please always consult a healthcare professional before starting any treatments. A thorough medical examination is essential to rule out other conditions and ensure safe treatment.

Preventive measures and treatment options include:

1. Temperature Management:

  • Avoid excessive exposure to cold
  • Wear appropriate clothing to maintain scrotal temperature
  • Take warm baths or showers to relax the cremaster muscle

2. Physical Therapy:

  • Gentle scrotal massage
  • Specific exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles
  • Regular physical activity to improve blood circulation

3. Medical Interventions:

  • Prescription medications to relax the cremaster muscle
  • Hormone therapy in specific cases
  • Surgical options (orchiopexy) for severe cases

4. Alternative Treatments:

  • Ball stretchers and weights (under medical supervision)
  • Relaxation techniques to reduce stress-related retraction
  • Lifestyle modifications to minimize triggers
Ball stretching

Causes and Symptoms of Testicular Retraction

Testicular retraction occurs when the cremaster muscle – a protective sheath surrounding the spermatic cord and testes – contracts excessively, pulling one or both testicles into the groin. This condition affects 5-10% of males under 16 and often persists into adulthood when untreated.

Cremaster Muscle Function

The cremaster muscle performs three critical roles:

  1. Temperature regulation: Maintains optimal testicular temperature (93.2°F or 34°C ) by raising/lowering testes
  2. Protection: Contracts during stress, arousal, or physical threat via the cremasteric reflex
  3. Sexual function: Assists in ejaculation mechanics and post-orgasm recovery

Under normal conditions, these movements are subtle and painless.

Primary Causes of Abnormal Retraction

CauseMechanismCommon Triggers
Hyperactive cremaster reflexOversensitive nerve responses to stimuliCold temperatures, touch to inner thigh
Chronic stress/anxietySympathetic nervous system overactivation causes sustained muscle tensionWork pressure, trauma, PTSD
Anatomical factorsShort spermatic cord or thickened muscle fibersGenetic predisposition, previous hernia surgery
Musculoskeletal imbalanceCompensatory tension from back/hip injuriesPoor posture, obesity, repetitive strain

Common Symptoms

Physical signs:

  • Testicle(s) visibly "disappear" into groin during stress/cold
  • Difficulty manually repositioning testicle
  • Scrotal shrinkage or asymmetry

Pain patterns:

  • Dull ache in groin/testicles after prolonged sitting/standing
  • Sharp pain during exercise/sexual activity
  • Radiation of discomfort to lower abdomen

Associated symptoms:

  • Nausea/vomiting during severe episodes
  • Urinary urgency or pelvic tension
  • Anxiety about testicular position

Stress-Specific Mechanisms

Chronic stress exacerbates retraction through:

  1. Catecholamine release: Adrenaline causes sustained muscle contractions
  2. Pelvic floor tension: Linked to CPTSD and trauma responses
  3. Temperature dysregulation: Stress-induced sweating alters scrotal thermoregulation
  4. Postural changes: Hunched positions increase intra-abdominal pressure on spermatic cord

When to Seek Care

⟡ Testicle remains stuck above scrotum >1 hour
⟡ Blood in semen or urinary symptoms
⟡ Sudden severe pain with nausea/vomiting

Early intervention prevents complications like testicular atrophy (18% of chronic cases) and secondary infertility . Diagnostic methods include cremasteric reflex testing, scrotal ultrasound, and microsurgical evaluation.

Problem and Complications of Testicular Retraction

Testicular retraction, while often considered harmless, can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Medical professionals emphasize the importance of monitoring this condition as it can impact both testicular health and fertility over time.

The most significant complication is ascending testicle, affecting up to 32% of untreated cases, where the testicle becomes permanently displaced in the groin due to persistent cremaster muscle overactivity. This chronic condition can lead to testicular atrophy in 5-20% of cases, as reduced blood flow damages reproductive tissue.

Fertility concerns are particularly significant, with studies showing that 45% of men who experienced retractile testes in childhood demonstrate reduced sperm motility. Additionally, about 30% of affected men report longer conception times compared to those without the condition. In severe cases involving both testicles, there's up to a 13% risk of severely reduced sperm count.

Men with testicular retraction often experience physical discomfort during exercise and intimate activities. The condition can also affect body image and create anxiety about fertility potential. Regular self-examination becomes more challenging, which is concerning as early detection of other testicular conditions becomes more difficult.

Healthcare providers recommend immediate medical attention if a testicle remains retracted for more than 72 hours, or if there are sudden changes in size or persistent pain. Treatment options have shown promising results, with microsurgical procedures boasting a 97% success rate in eliminating retraction. Regular monitoring through annual physical exams and appropriate testing remains crucial for managing the condition effectively.

Caution about Testicular stretching and BallS stretchers

It is advised to not have sexual intercourse for several days after starting the treatment. Make the stretch gently without bruising tense cords.

Before any attempt at ball-stretching is made, we highly suggests a complete physical by a general practitioner. This examination will include examination of the testicles for abnormalities, status of the spermatic cord, a hernia check and blood pressure management. A hernia or heart/blood pressure difficulties make ball-stretching very difficult. A hernia must first completely heal before ball-stretching is attempted and also be aware that a hernia weakens the abdominal wall so that a second hernia is more likely. For persons in this category, very light ball weights should only be used. Heavier weights will exacerbate the hernia condition. Circulatory problems such as high blood pressure or heart disease also complicates ball-stretching. A rock-solid circulatory system (including lymph vessels) is essential in ball-stretching because under certain conditions such as weights/stretcher being too tight and constrictive or too much weight on the testicles, blood flow to the testicles and scrotal sack could possibly be reduced. To compensate for this, the blood pressure and heart activity must be increased which could cause a crisis for those with circulatory system difficulties.

If you're interested in learning more about the art of ball stretching, check out our comprehensive guide here.

How to choose the correct size of Ball stretcher?

Your chosen ball weight should be loose and comfortable enough not to restrict blood flow. On the other hand, it should also be tight enough not to allow testicles to slip through.

Put the measuring tape around the top of the testicles. It’s important that your both testicles rest comfortably under the tape.

For the most accurate measurement, it’s important to perform several measurements and to write down at least 5 results.

After you have obtained the measurements, calculate the average value: Use our calculator for this purpose.

Multiply this result by 0.74 and 0.8 to get the tightest and loosest size you can wear.

Divide each of these results with 3.14 to get the tightest and loosest inner diameter you can wear.

Order ball weights with inner diameters between these two sizes.


    • Use a lotion on your testicles. It will make the scrotum moist, relaxed and less likely to contract. Better use a body cream or body lotion than personal lubricant. We especially recommend lotion which contains cocoa butter – Works wonder! Also, the lube will ensure that the ball weight sits comfortably.

    • Warmth and relaxation is very important for successful balls stretching. A hot shower will make your balls relaxed and ready to hang, just before wearing a stretcher. However, it’s important to dry your skin thoroughly. Never put on any stretching devices on a wet skin – it can lead to infections.

      Tips: If you use a Steel Ball stretcher, it is important to warm it before wearing by running them under hot water.

    • Wear comfortable underwear that makes you warm enough. Do not let the breeze get to your testicles!

    • Massage your testicles from time to time. When you are out, use a few minutes to go to the bathroom and gently massage your balls in the stretcher. Pay special attention to testicles themselves and the lower part of your scrotum. For more information on testicle massage and its benefits, check out our ultimate guide here.

    Remember: balls weight should not cause any pain or discomfort. If you experience any of these problems, you should take your device off. To ensure the best experience, never tighten the device too much – you should not stop your circulation or cause further problems. This is another reason why finding the best fit and measuring yourself is so important. Source: newswire

    Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com.

    Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.

    "I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"

    PhD in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.

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