NUOVO Cage di castità auto-regolabile è qui!
NUOVO Cage di castità auto-regolabile è qui!
08-03-2023 - Written by Jett Oxy - Follow on medium
Chastity Play is one aspect of the kink world that a lot of men have testified to its goodness. But what happens to those who do not have partners or whose partners are not willing to be their key holders?
Should they now be subjected to a lifetime of not enjoying all of these goodness? Hell nah. Read this article to learn everything about how to chastity without a key holder safely and effectively.
Solo chastity is just what the basic definition of chastity play is, which is simply practice of refraining from sexual gratification. The only twist to solo chastity is that there is no partner to hold the keys to your chastity cage so you have to rely on your discipline and self-control to achieve this.
It is not always certain that one will have a readily available partner to hold their chastity cage keys and that's okay. Good thing is that solo chastity has its own benefits for penis owners. Check out some of them;
People engage in chastity alone in order to learn about chastity. Solo chastity is a great way to explore the world of chastity devices without the fear of judgment. You can wear them as often as you want in order to get used to them quickly. There is also no pressure on wearing the chastity cages longer than you can before you get used to them, especially as a beginner. Also, it gives penis owners the privilege of independently exploring chastity devices that fit their lifestyle the most.
Solo chastity is also a great way to inculcate self-control and curb masturbation and porn addiction. Locking the dick up in a chastity cage is a great way to prevent men from watching porn and masturbating as wearing chastity cages while being sexually aroused can be uncomfortable. More so, it increases productivity as the time that would have been wasted on masturbation can be channeled into doing better tasks.
Penis owners also engage in solo chastity to explore their feminine side. Solo chastity is common and a great way for people with penises to be feminized. Transgendered or casual crossdressers, locking the penis in a chastity cage helps to tuck it away into a little clit and make penis owners feel more like sissies.
Fuck it! Because it is sexually satisfying! And that's all that matters! People do not have to think of a special reason to wear one. If they do, great! But if all they want is sexual gratification, then that's perfect as well! People love the kinky feeling that chastity devices give them and just love the feel of metal on their dicks and that's okay.
Coslave on Reddit gives the reason he engages in solo chastity;
Wearing a cage provides a nice naughty feeling. Feeling that pressure in my pants while at work...and no one knows.
It is important to note that solo chastity is not recommended for beginners as they might not be able to lock their dicks in chastity devices for too long. However when you get used to having your penis in chastity cages for a period of time, then chastity without a key holder can be incorporated. Take a look at some tips on how to do this safely and effectively;
Two items developed by the famous firm Qiui come to mind for solo chastity play. The first one being the keypod, an electron locking box controlled via an app. Simply lock yourself up, slide the key inside the pod and lock it for the time desired.
The cellmate is an electronic chastity cage which is app controlled. Lock yourself up and hand over the key to your arousal to a diligent keyholder online or put a timer yourself.
No Keyholder? No problem.
Your Chastity life is now managed by mistress Elena.
Feel the excitement of not knowing when you will be set free or allowed to cum. Everything is monitored with her chastity key holding system.
At first glance, solo chastity may sound too extreme to be done. But what's the kink world without stretching yourself. Plus how would you know how far you can go if you never try? All you need to do is follow these guidelines and you just might find out what you've been missing out on. Goodluck!
Article Written by Jett Oxy for
Jett is the owner of, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.
"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"
Phd in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.