04-14-2023 - Written by Jett Oxy - Follow on medium 


Whenever you feel stressed, unmotivated or out of touch and focus on your submissive role, using a submissive mantra helps you to keep your dominant in mind and be in touch with all the training you have undergone. 

How do you create one? Do you even know what submissive mantras are? This article will teach you everything about personal submissive mantras and offers a step-by-step guide on how to create one. Ready? Let's go!

Submissive mantra


Personal mantras are affirmations that we use to change certain aspects of our lives. Thousands of years ago, mantras used to be traditionally syllables and poems in the Sanskrit language created through a complex numerical system based on the date and time of birth, as well as the numeric value of your name.


Today, mantras are more widely recognized as any statement that affirms the way we want to live our lives.


A mantra is a building and correctional tool for our brains. As we chant or say the mantra we are effecting change in our lives. The brain is a powerful tool for change. If we can voice our hopes and dreams for the future we can make that change happen without even realizing it.


For a personal mantra to work, it has to be positive. It has to reaffirm your choices in life and establish a realistic goal you can accomplish or a life dream fulfilled.

WHAT IS A submissive MANTRA?

A submissive mantra is a tool used by submissive partners in a BDSM relationship to correct and direct their brains and behaviors to be in accordance with their roles as subs.

Submissive mantras are usually in the form of affirmations that are chanted by the sub partner to effect a change in the way a sub takes on their role in the relationship.

Coming up with a personal submissive mantra gives room to peace and achievement in your BDSM relationship.


Creating a submissive mantra is easy but who says a little guideline will hurt? Take a look at some tips on how to create one for yourself;


  • Make a list of three things that you want to change in your relationship. Use the phrase, “I am.” For example, “I am stubborn"
  • Next to each of the three things, write down the opposite phrase. For example, “I am submissive" or “I am making progress with my submission training”
  • Now join them together in an affirmative revelation in any order that sounds great to you. For example, “I am a great submissive partner intentionally making progress in my submission training.”
  • Type or write your phrase on a stick note or note card. Place it in a location where you can't help but see it all through your day. You can stick it to your bathroom mirror, computer keyboard or refrigerator door. Repeat it to yourself several times throughout the day, silently or aloud. Make it a habit--first thing in the morning, before you go to bed and anytime you find yourself focusing on the opposite things you have indicated in your mantra.
  • Use this mantra for as long as it feels helpful. As time goes on, you may go through steps 1 to 4 and create a new submissive mantra to change other aspects of your role in your relationship.


If you repeat your mantra enough that it becomes a subconscious litany (your mind is wandering while you say it) then you are embedding it in your mind and you can effect change.


A personal submissive mantra helps to remind you of your choices as a sub and your happiness in them.


If you have been questioning how submissive you are and are wondering if it is just a new fad that would fade, declaring a submissive mantra that emphasizes that you made a choice to live this way will help in sparking joy when you are stressed, lonely or struggling with a difficult day as a sub. Chant it while running errands and serving your Dom and soon you'd find yourself focusing on them. 


Bobo Long on Quora says;


The most important thing is to maintain the proper mindset. This can be accomplished by repeating a mantra throughout the day. One that is known to work is the following:


"I am only a slave, it is a privilege to serve."


These are almost like magic words. Say them when you wake up. Say them when you go to sleep. And repeat them often as your day progresses. Say it. Feel it. Believe it. Live it.


This powerfully helps keep you in the right frame of mind to stay focused on your submission and service.


There are no specific submissive mantras that work better than the rest. It's okay to be creative and create your submissive mantra according to your needs and what suits you.


Take a look at some general submissive mantra examples that you can incorporate while creating your submissive mantra;


  1. I belong to my Master. My body, heart, and soul are His to protect and use as He sees fit.  I am His toy and I will be used as He wants.
  2. I am a gift to my Master, His pleasure is my pleasure. I take joy in His joy and want to please Him.
  3. I am His; He will protect and nurture me.  I freely give myself to him.
  4. I worship His cock.  I will beg to suck it.  It is my idol. I live to serve all of my Master.
  5. I will be His slut in bed, his caretaker, friend, and partner in life. My body is beautiful, He loves my mind, and He takes what He wants from me.


Snakesandmangoes on Reddit talks about her submissive mantra;


It's simple enough to remember and use as a mantra when I’m getting floaty and subby, and usually is the beginning of our aftercare. As a matter of fact, I’ll say it sometimes when I’m having a panic attack and he helps calm me down. It has helped me tremendously, and it’s sexy as hell to boot. Good luck!



    Yes, you may also use a submissive mantra created by your Dom. It will help you to carry out your roles exactly how they want it.

    You may repeat affirmations such as "I am His property, and I will always serve Him. I am Loved and safe" will help you stay calm and more confident when you're jealous.


Being deep into the subspace is one of the greatest feelings of a submissive. Mantras are useful in constantly helping you slip into your subspace especially when you feel out of touch with your role. The nature of these mantras are as diverse as the many roles a submissive might engage in. Create a submissive mantra today. Happy reciting.

Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com. 

Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer. 

"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure" 

Phd in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices  for educational and entertainment purposes. 

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