05-08-2023 - Written by Jett Oxy
A lot of people do not understand the relationship BDSM has with hypnosis. So it's not surprising that there are plenty of misconceptions surrounding hypnosis BDSM.
There's also the set of people that think it's dangerous or scary and the set that have expectations of it that can never be met. This article will educate you on everything about BDSM and hypnosis and if they work or not.
Let's start with what hypnosis is not. Hypnosis is not a magic tool to force someone to do whatever you want.
Hypnosis is a manipulation of an altered state of consciousness for a desired purpose. We may get some points of BDSM hypnosis from from the words here:
See what on deleted on Reddit says about hypnosis BDSM;
"...Yes it's working. You can make a woman orgams with just your voice. Generally I condition women to get horny with one word of command. Or to act as a cat…"
Hypnosis in and of itself is safe. However, what you do with someone in a hypnotized state can be dangerous. It can vary from harmless bed games to heavy edge play. This is why you need to incorporate safety measures and consent tips. Take a look at some;
Learning BDSM hypnosis is not difficult. In fact, you'd find a lot of videos of this on YouTube. But learning hypnosis goes way beyond that. If you're interested in exploring this fascinating aspect of BDSM, you might want to check out our guide to HypnoKink and BDSM Hypnosis.
There are so many things to learn; from formulating suggestions effectively and safely that increase your chances of success to learning how to get someone out of hypnosis and how to deal with spontaneous negative reactions.
Given this, the most ideal way to learn will be to participate in a workshop or course in BDSM hypnosis. There are one-day hypnosis courses that can provide a foundation to start experimenting with simpler aspects of hypnosis. These courses are often facilitated by companies or trainers who also teach broader hypnosis. If you want more depth, you could take a course in hypnotherapy. There are many available, from 7 day to three-year professional courses.
Learning from someone in the BDSM scene who has the knowledge and experience is also a great option. You could also join communities such as Fetlife. They have several groups on BDSM and Hypnosis, where you can seek advice. If you're new to FetLife, our guide on how to use FetLife to broaden your BDSM learning might be helpful.
You can also read and study great books on hypnosis. There are plenty of them, from more therapeutically oriented ones to the ones explaining hypnosis for stage shows.
Here's what Melvin Marsh on Quora advises people who want to learn BDSM hypnosis to do;
"...My advice as someone who has done the professional dom hypnotist thing, I would suggest exploring BDSM itself first and get your feet wet. Then when you are sure it is what you want, go actually properly learn hypnosis from a real school and then apply professional knowledge to the situation. You will have a much better experience and your scenes will be much more sexually and emotionally fulfilling."
If you're new to BDSM and want to explore more before diving into hypnosis, you might find our comprehensive guide to BDSM helpful. It covers all the basics you need to know to get started.
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You can’t stay “in it”. In the worst case scenario, you would fall asleep and wake up normally. Also, if something goes against your deepest morals, you will most likely pop out of trance before the session is over.
Almost everyone can get hypnotized during BDSM. Only a few people are hard to hypnotize or can’t go into hypnosis at all. However, some people get hypnotized easier and deeper than other people.
When used correctly, BDSM hypnosis is a great way to spice up a D/S relationship. However, consent and safety must be emphasized. It is also not an evil concept as many people think it to be. We wish you good luck as you explore the idea.
Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com.
Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.
"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"
PhD in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.