Introduction to Cock and Ball Bondage

19-09-2019 - Written by Jett Oxy

Perhaps you have always fantasized about binding balls, but not quite sure about your ability to pull it off? Well, your fears are over. Here is that much-needed starting information on how you can pull off an amazing cock and ball bondage.

Yes, this play is quite exciting. Oh, it is addictive too – you would want to continue once you are into it. The sensation is excellent alongside some great looks. What's more? You can combine it with other forms of play, including orgasm control and cock and ball torture (CBT).

When you restrict the flow of blood out of the penis through cock and ball bondage, you gradually built your strength and, of course, sensitivity. It gets to a point where you feel every suck, lick, scratch, pinch, or any other sensation so intensely. The penis skin gets stretched regularly, allowing maximum access to more nerve endings.

You will be amazed at how much physical and emotional satisfaction cock and ball bondage offers. However, all these are possible if you know your way around it. Talking about knowing your way around, we have compiled this guide to help you get started and reach the peak of cock and ball bondage.

Read on!

Why Cock and Ball Bondage?

Depending on personal convictions, there are many reasons people try out cock and ball bondage. From heightened cock sensitivity to its compatibility with CBT, what people look for in Cock and Ball Bondage is different. This game of tickle and torture stretches the scrotum – a move that some men find very sensitive. Also, binding the cock and balls makes it easier to inflict more sexually intense pain. You can take it to the next level by throwing in slight sensory deprivation. With the cock caged, the balls are forced to bear the consequences of the impact, with no escape in sight.

People also find cock and ball bondage enticing because, in some cases, it entails chastity, emasculation, leading, and orgasm/erection control. You can bind the cock and balls to make erections clearly unwanted. Another reason, although unusual, is the aesthetics and increased sensitivity that comes with the experience – something like a heightened but painful pleasure.

Irrespective of the reason, cock and ball bondage puts the power in the hands of the Dominant. Hence, they can control the bottom as they want – an arrangement that tends to turn on the sub and further strengthen the trust between the two parties. The biggest revelation, perhaps, the fact that you can do it all by yourself. Would you give the solo run a try?

Be Safe

The importance of safety cannot be overemphasized. Cock and Ball Bondage hinges most on blood circulations, so you must regularly check to be safe. Your bondage should be off at intervals of 15-20 minutes, so that blood flow goes back to normal. Remove the rope immediately you feel any swelling, tingling, or numbness. Watch out for a drastic reduction in temperature too. The signs are endless, so free yourself immediately you feel funny or unusual.

You will need a clearly thinner bondage rope if you are looking to delve into cock shibari. While at it, do not choose a rope that is too narrow in diameter – it will most likely stop circulation totally and go on to break the skin.

For best results, use ¼-inch thick rope, and never keep your safety scissors far. You may experience slight skin abrasions, take necessary precautionary measures to keep them mild. Shaving beforehand is also recommended – it keeps out pinching and pulling. Also, tie the rope by sliding a finger underneath it – this will keep the rope mildly tight and stop pinching. Lastly, only try this with a trusted partner. Feel free to back out if your partner isn't listening to you or acting responsibly.

Moving on, here are some useful dos and don’ts of Cock and Ball bondage

Ensure the following;

  • Shaving beforehand prevents pinching and offers a more unobstructed view

  • Remove bindings at intervals of 20 minutes

  • Watch out for sores and cuts before starting

  • One finger should be underneath the rope while you tie – to keep the bottom safe and comfortable

  • Other vital signs to watch out for are temperature drop, swelling, and numbness

  • Always keep your safety scissors close

  • Be observant of any unusual reactions

  • Your rope/cord should not be less than 4mm or 0.16 inch in diameter

  • Communication should be open and easy

  • Do not tug or yank the testicles

  • Do not tie off the genital bondage to a stationary item to prevent the bottom from falling

  • Avoid cock and ball bondage if the bottom is suffering from a circulatory/respiratory/heart conditions

  • Always stay with the bottom at all times

  • Ensure all aftercare routines are done

The right types of rope for cock and ball bondage

The options of ropes can be overwhelming, but not to worry, here is a simple guide to choosing the right one. For best results, use a rope with a 6mm diameter. The diameter is narrow enough to meet your needs and boasts more thickness than a parachute cord. It also means the pressure is not concentrated, so blood flow will not be hindered and skin breakages will be avoided.

Cotton ropes are the best – they do not cause itchiness or make the bottom uncomfortable. The softness and gentle texture of this rope makes it easy to use and clean. The ideal length is between 6-10 feet, although the more creative type may want to try something longer. Feel free to cut off some part if you end up with a longer rope, and ensure to tap it so that the ends do not fray.

Never forget, choosing the right rope is very important.

Tying the Cock and Balls

Let’s get down to real business. Getting tied is actually as difficult as it seems, provided you keep to these simple tips. The first step is to fine-tune your environment to match the occasion – something warm and cool will do. It helps to set the playful tone and relax the bottom. You may try using a warm cloth – it gets the bottom into the mood. 

 Take it a notch further by starting the actual play. Observe the type of balls you have before you – it could be low and hanging or with a light high sack. The former allows you to do more exploration than the latter. Either way, bind the balls separately to get some top-notch experience.


Now that you have had all the pleasure there is to, the best way to round up is good aftercare. Blood stimulation and circulation thrives on warmth. So, keep the area warmth, preferably using a warm cloth or blanket.

Allow the bottom to rest and relax – this will make them feel less delicate. You can try some gentle massage on the balls (except when the bottom still feels highly sensitive), it helps to improve blood flow.

Proceed by washing the area with an antiseptic soap – be gentle all through. Observe and identify abrasions. If you find any, get some ice pack alongside a dab of antiseptic cream. These keep infections away and eliminates the chances of the spots swelling up. Excellent aftercare will make recovery faster, and the bottom will be ready to go again in no time.

Article Written by Jett Oxy for

Jett is the owner of, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.

"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"

PhD in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.

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