08-11-2018 - Written by Jett Oxy
In the kink word, CBT stands for “Cock and Ball torture” – or – Cock and Ball Teasing”. CBT is a part of RACK – Risk aware consensual kink. Just as with any kink, precaution should be taken. Source: Kinkly
In the kink word, CBT stands for “Cock and Ball torture” – or – Cock and Ball Teasing”. CBT is a part of RACK – Risk aware consensual kink. Just as with any kink, precaution should be taken. Source: Kinkly
CBT isn’t for everyone. It’s scary to have someone attack such an intimate and sensitive body part that gives a man so much of his sexual identity. Elements of CBT can be worked safely into sex play as long as there is enough trust and communication. The dominant partner needs to watch for the submissive’s facial expressions and other nonverbal clues to know how far the submissive can pushed, when he’s approaching his limit, and when he’s at his limit.
CBT doesn’t have to be extreme. Just think about it as focused stimulation on a really sensitive body part. It can range from fingernails lightly scratching a cock to full on ball crushing. The first time I started to think about it was probably when I felt my girlfriend’s teeth during a blowjob. It wasn’t just the sensation that got me going. There was a mental aspect as well. I suddenly realized how vulnerable I was, and how easily she could ratchet up the intensity. We talked about it a lot after that to set limits and a series of safe words so I could let her know how much intensity I could handle.
There are actually quite a few different things that can be done with a man’s cock and balls, depending on desired effect. Everyone will be different, so by all means pick and choose the things that work for you and don’t worry about the things that don’t. We use the abbreviation of CBT as if it’s one activity, or the cock and balls always go together as a single body part, but let’s think of the cock separately from the balls.
I for one cannot tolerate any impact play on my balls. It’s too sudden for my tastes, even if it’s moderate tapping. I know there are men who are willing to be kicked or punched, but it’s not for me. On the other hand, it’s a different story when my girlfriend grabs me and slowly squeezes or pulls. The key is to do it slowly. It gives me a chance to react in a way that my girlfriend can see and adjust the intensity as needed. It also reinforces in my mind that my girlfriend literally has the fate of my manhood in the palm of her hand. Yes, there are other ways of stimulating the balls (and scrotum) but I prefer to focus on the sensations on my cock.
Few CBT terms you should know:
Ball Busting: Inflicting pain to the testicles. The most common one as no special devices are necessary.
Torture devices: Any toy made for this purpose. Ball crusher, Kali teeth, urethral stretchers, pinwheels, clamps, balls weights and so on.
Ball Stretching: Not only to cause pain, ball stretching is more complex. Please review our articles on the benefits of ball stretching.
CBT cages:A chastity devices made for CBT play – discomfort warranty for the wearer if erected. The keys being kept by the mistress or dominant.
Sounding and urethral devices:Used for sexual pleasure or for medical play, a steel rod inserted into the urethra. The tapped on rods cause particular pleasure to the wearer.
Electro shock play: Use a violet wand on selected areas to provide an electric sensation
To be honest, I have my limits but I think I can take a lot of abuse. Get into it gradually. Maybe you start off with simple rope bondage. Introduce some light biting and scratching, add some flogging or attach clothespins for surface stimulation. Some men like to have their cock trampled by a dominant woman stepping directly on the cock. Or maybe even consider temperature play with ice cubes or dripping hot wax if you think that could an interesting sensation.
For me, CBT puts me in the precarious position of craving more stimulation even though I know the stimulation is going to hurt. It puts me into a different mental state than I get to with any other form of discipline. Maybe it's all of those nerve endings screaming at once. Maybe it's my vulnerability. Maybe it's the excitement and wonder that I see on my girlfriend's face when she's doing it. I'm sure it's a bit of everything. Source: Mistressayn
Of course, specialized toys are a wonderful addition to spice things up. I've tried a few, and each has its place in our collection. There are a variety of ball crushers and vises if that's your thing, ball stretchers and separators, steel ringed toys that constrain an erect cock, things with sharp pointy bits that can cause intense sensations, all sort of things for binding the cock or balls, and even devices to deliver electrical shocks to your most sensitive parts.
With all of those possibilities, maybe we should think about what you expect the results of your session to be. If this a slow and methodical teasing session, maybe some simple cock bondage is appropriate. With the right restraints on you as well as your cock, your dominant can tease you until you're about to go insane. Source: Kinkly
I prefer to be subjected to torments that get more intense as I get more excited, almost regardless of what my dominant partner does. For those new to this type of play, you might want to check out this guide on mastering cock and ball torture techniques. Consider a Kali's Teeth device. You can think of these as a medieval iron maiden for your cock. It's a metal cylinder that clamps around your cock with lots of pointy screws on the inside. Lock it in place before you get hard and you'll feel the points digging into your cock. As you start to get hard, the screws dig in and cause increasing amounts of pain. If you're turned on by the pain, you're really stuck. The more excited you get, the more sensation you feel, which in turn makes you more excited. Talk about a vicious cycle! One of my girlfriend's favourite things to do is to lock me into a Kali's Teeth device and then hold a vibrator to my balls. I don't know if I want to beg her to let me cum or beg her to stop. She enjoys watching me through the whole ordeal. I can beg her either way, but of course she controls how long it will last.
If you like the mental games like that but pointy screws aren't your thing, consider using a chastity cage. You're still at the dominant's mercy and the frustration can be maddening, but you won't have to worry about getting perforated by sharp points. The more excited you get, the more intense the feelings become in your restrained cock, and the frustration increases. If you're interested in exploring chastity play further, this ultimate guide to male chastity is a great resource.
Electric shocks are can be exquisite. I had a plastic cock ring that was outfitted with a shocker from a dog training collar. The intensity was adjustable, and more interestingly, it was remote controlled. My girlfriend had fun when we went out in public and she could discreetly shock my cock by pressing a button on the remote control. It was her way of encouraging me to behave the way she wanted. If I didn't treat her the right way, I got a shock. If I my eyes wandered and she caught me looking at another woman, I got a shock. If she just wanted to catch me off guard and surprise me just for the fun of it, I got a shock. Source: Wikipedia
Aside from the toys and all of the interesting sensations, CBT can be used to excite and tease the submissive, or train and punish if desired. For me it's a matter of the intensity. Punishment by its nature tends to be more intense. Just be sure to play safe. I enjoy the abuse within my limits, but I don't want to require medical attention afterwards. And with all of the information and opinions published on the Internet, you should have no problem finding a safe technique that works for you. If you're looking for more ideas, here are 5 reasons to try cock & ball torment that might convince you to explore further.
Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com.
Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer.
"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure"
PhD in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices for educational and entertainment purposes.